Why is David's the #1 Certified Gemological Lab in Orange Country

Leica MZ9.5 Research Stereomicroscope, mounted with the View4K High-Definition Camera
This stereo microscope is more advanced than 99% of the microscopes used by other Gemologists. It has research grade Leica optics, Leica Wild 16x/14B widefield eyepieces, Leica ergonomic adjustable head, Leica Stereo Microscope Photo Port, Verilux 27-watt custom overhead lighting module, multiple Leica objective lenses of various powers, and a Gemological Products base with fiber optic illuminator and fiber optic darkfield illumination. Allows for simultaneous direct viewing of the microscope at high resolution through the computer so that the customer can see the inside of their gemstones with their own eyes. David uses the capabilities of this microscope to more accurately grade gemstones and show his clients significant features about their jewelry and gemstones under high magnification on an LCD HD screen so they can better understand the exact value of their jewelry. 
Gemmosphere UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer
The Gemmosphere is a powerful gemological tool that helps separate natural diamonds from lab grown (synthetic) diamonds, and natural colored gemstones from lab-grown (synthetic) colored gemstones. The Gemmosphere can also assist with finding out if a diamond or colored gemstone has been artificially treated, and in determining the Country of Origin. The Gemmosphere has a dedicated computer with state-of-the-art software containing a library of gem spectrums for highly accurate gemological identification. This type of advanced technology is normally reserved only for institutional Gemological Laboratories such as the Gemological Institute of America Gem Trade Lab (GIA-GTL). David has the only Gemmoshpere in Orange County. 
GIA iD100 Gem Testing Device with the Pink Diamond Software Upgrade
Lab Grown "synthetic" diamonds have become more widely available in the past few years, and consumers risk the possibility of buying Lab Grown diamonds without their knowledge. Synthetic diamonds are dramatically cheaper than naturally mined diamonds, and the possibility of significant financial loss to a consumer who acquires a Lab Grown diamond in place of a naturally mined diamond is very real today. The iD100 is the best synthetic diamond screener available today, and it can test colorless to near colorless, blue, green, brown, and pink diamonds. This device can test loose and mounted diamonds in a matter of seconds without even touching the diamonds.
Thermo Scientific Niton DXL Advanced XRF Gold Tester
David now has the Thermo Scientific Niton DXL Advanced XRF Gold Tester, which gives the exact gold content of your jewelry without damaging it. Nearly every gold buyer uses the inexpensive $50 “scratch acid test”, meaning they damage your jewelry by scraping it or filing it down to test it with acid, which gives only a rough approximation of the gold content. The $21,750 Niton DXL Advanced XRF Gold Tester provides a digital readout of the exact gold content of your jewelry in seconds without even touching it, and you get to see the results for yourself while watching your jewelry the whole time through the window on the device. The Thermo Scientific Niton DXL Advanced XRF Gold Tester is the most accurate gold testing device available.
Alfa Mirage GKS-300 Densimeter - Gold and Platinum Tester
Determines the purity of gold, platinum, and other precious metals by measuring the specific gravity in air and plain water. Does not scratch or damage the jewelry like other methods used by most gold buyers. Functions also as a high precision densimeter to a resolution of 0.001g/cm3 for assisting in gemstone identification. 
Sigma Metalytics Investor Precious Metal Verifier
This device is often referred to as an "ECM" test, or "Electrical Conductivity" test. It measures electrical conductivity to determine the purity of gold, silver, or platinum. It does not scratch or damage the coin, bar, or piece of jewelry like other methods used by most gold buyers. This device can also test "through" plastic cases containing precious metal coins or bars. In addition, this device measures the "Density" to determine if the precious metal exists throughout the item in the same purity, or if there is a non-precious metal contained "inside" the item.
Sarin Colibri Computerized Diamond Colorimeter
This machine grades the color of loose and mounted diamonds with computer accuracy to 100th of a single grade. This is the latest generation colorimeter, and David was one of the first Gemologists in the United States to acquire one of these machines, and now he owns two of them for making comparisons and improving diamond color grading accuracy.
GIA Certified Master Diamond Color Comparison Set (9 Diamonds)
One of the largest GIA Certified Master Diamond Sets owned by an Independent Gemologist Lab. Most all Independent Gemologist Labs use CZ (cubic zirconia) master sets which are unstable and don't show color the same way a "real" diamond master does. Most diamond master sets also only contain 4 to 5 diamonds, but a large range 9 diamond master set like this one increases the accuracy of the diamond color grading, which in turn increases the accuracy of the diamonds estimated value.
Sarin DiaScan S15+ with the GIA® Facetware™ Cut Grading License
This Optical Computer does the cut grading and measuring of diamonds to the highest accuracy. In addition, David has the Sarin Professional Edition Software with Photorealistic Computer Viewer, GIA® Recut Software, and Hearts & Arrows Computer Viewer.
In addition, David has a fully equipped PortaLab by Gemological Products
Here is a partial list of the rest of David's Lab Equipment:
- HRD D-Screen Synthetic Diamond and Color Treatment Tester
- Celerity Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge for Gold Testing
- Photo eBox Plus Digital Lighting & Photography System
- GIA® Gem Instruments Diamond Lite, Daylight Diamond Grading Lighting Cabinet
- GIA® Gem Instruments Shortwave & Longwave Ultraviolet Light & Cabinet
- TriElectronics GXL-24Pro, Digital Gold Karatage & Platinum Tester (6-24KT range)
- Ohaus Explorer E1RR80 Digital Diamond Balance (scale, 0.0001 carats accuracy)
- Ohaus Scout SJX1502N/E Digital Scale (0.01 grams accuracy)
- A.D. Leverage Presidium Electronic Gemstone Gauge (Serial #0002)
- Mituyoyo Digital Caliper, Digital Measurement Device (0.01mm x 150mm accuracy)
- Presidium Refractive Index Meter II
- Gem® Pro Refractometer with Monochromatic (sodium) replacement filter
- Gem® Pro Polariscope with light source
- Gemcontrol Gemmeter, Digital Refractive Index Meter
- Gem® wizard™ Colored Gemstone Computer Grading System
- GIA® GemSet™, Colored Gemstone Grading System (324 color samples)
- GemDialogue Colored Gemstone Communication System
- GIA® Gem Master Pearl Comparison Set, Pearl Grading System
- Presidium Multitester, Moissanite and Cubic Zirconium Thermal Conductivity Probe
- Kruss Spectroscope with Illuminated Wavelength Guide
- OPL handheld Diffraction Grating Spectroscope
- Calcite Dichroscope
- Hanneman Gem Filters: Ruby, Synthetic Emerald, Synthetic Emerald "Support", Stained Lilac Jade, Aqua, and Tanzanite Filters
- IMI Inspector Alert Radiation Detector
- Mikon 104 Radiation Detector
- GemPro Specific Gravity Set (3.32, 2.90, 2.62, 2.57) with Calibration Stones & Adjustment Liquid
- Branson 1510 Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner with "Sweep Frequency" Technology
- Verilux Daylight Ceiling Fixtures and Florescent Tubes
- Over 500 Book Reference Library including every GIA Gems & Gemology since 1981
- Full subscription to RapNet, the largest searchable database of diamonds in the world. Most Gemologists have only the basic "Rap List" price charts.
David R. Boggess, GG
18 Technology, Suite 158, Irvine, CA 92618 | (949) 727-3411 | By Appointment Only